GBARC Virtual Meeting Room
The virtual meeting room is open for club meetings on the first Monday of the month and every Wednesday evening from 7:45PM - 9PM for rag chew.
Greater Beloit Amateur Radio Club
September 9,2024 Monday at 6:30PM In-person meeting at the Beloit Public Library, Floor 2, 605 Eclipse Blvd, Beloit, WI 53511 and Video Conferenceing will be available.
The Monthly Ham's Breakfast is back! Second Saturday of the month. At Denny's Restaurant, I-90 at South Beloit. (Flying J Truck Stop) All area hams are welcome. Say hello to Conrad Herold-W9DL. Bring another ham friend along.
License Exams: Scott Fry (N9FRY) is an ARRL VEC examiner. Check his data at for details.
2023 Board of Directors
2023/2024 Board members are: Brett-K9BY, Lyndon-WA9JLD and Chuck-WD9BB
2024/2025 Board members are: Greg-K9GJN and Dean-K9FLO.
We strive to:
- encourage interest in radio communications
- improve proficiency in the art of amateur radio
- aid in the education of interested persons the view of becoming licensed amateurs
- improve relations between amateur radio operators and the general public.